Drew C Youngren

Let's Try Some MathJax

02 Jan 2018

Ok, \(H_e \vec r^e\) goes. That $was$ made with this:

$$H_e \vec r^e$$

but looks like math mode.

Let’s try \[ T\hbar_i \mathbf{s} ~~~ \mu_e \iint \] for display, maybe?

That the stuff. The delimiters are \\[ and \\].

What about good old $$$?

\($\lim_{r\to\infty} \oint_{C_r} \vec F(x,y) \cdot d\vec r\)$


Fix that limit

Let’s see if \displaystyle works in math mode. \(\displaystyle \lim_{r\to\infty} \oint_{C_r} \vec F(x,y) \cdot d\vec r\).


Of course, display mode shouldn’t have an issue. \[\lim_{r\to\infty} \oint_{C_r} \vec F(x,y) \cdot d\vec r \]

Indeed not.


Needs work.

\begin{align} a & b \ c & ddf

To escape or not to escape

It’s worth noting that escaping the underscores withing a LaTeX expression is not necessary here. But here is the dilemma: My editor (VSCode) does not recognize MathJax and so treats each _ as an emphasis indicator, sometimes.

Another day.