Lecture 17

Vector Fields & Path Integrals

APMA E2000


Drew Youngren dcy2@columbia.edu

$\gdef\RR{\mathbb{R}}$ $\gdef\vec{\mathbf}$ $\gdef\bv#1{\begin{bmatrix} #1 \end{bmatrix}}$ $\gdef\proj{\operatorname{proj}}$ $\gdef\comp{\operatorname{comp}}$


  • HW 9 due Thurs 11/7.
  • Quiz 6 this week.
    • Double/triple integrals
    • Coordinate systems
  • Exam 2 Tues, 11/12
    • Through HW9.
    • Same format as last time
    • New seat assignments
    • Not cumulative in the narrow sense but all math is cumulative.

1-minute review

MoI Integrals

Suppose the same mass $M$ were distributed evenly over the following regions in space:

  • $B$ a solid ball of radius $R$.
  • $S$ a (hollow) sphere of radius $R$.
  • $C$ a ring (circle) of radius $R$.

Which has the greatest moment of inertia about its center?

Other Integrals


Every integral has three essential parts, summarized as the where, the what, and the how.

\[ \int\limits_D F\,d\omega \]
  • Where? the domain of integration $D$
  • What? the integrand $F$
  • How? the differential (form) $d\omega$
We Need a New Integral

Let $C$ be the (1-dimensional) ring above object \[\iiint_C f\,dV = 0\] for any $f$.

Assume a constant linear density of $\frac{M}{2\pi R} \frac{\text{unit of mass}}{\text{unit of length}}$.

\[ \int_C (\text{distance to axis})^2 \times (\text{linear density})\,d(\text{length}). \] This requires a new integral called a line integral or path integral.

Path Integrals


A line integral, also called a path integral, is an integral whose domain of integration is $C$, the image of a curve parametrized by $\vec r(t)$.

They come in different "flavors" ...

Go to 3Demos → Story → Path Integrals for a demo of the flavors.

w/ respect to arc length

\[ \int\limits_{\mathcal C} f\,ds \]
  • Where? path in space $\mathcal C$
    • given by $\vec r(t) = \langle x(t), y(t),\ldots \rangle$, $a \leq t \leq b$
  • What? scalar field $f(x,y,\ldots)$
  • How? w.r.t. arc length: $ds$
\[ \int\limits_{\mathcal C} f\,ds \approx \sum_{i= 1}^N f(x_i^*, y_i^*) \sqrt{\Delta x_i^2 + \Delta y_i^2} \]
\[ \int\limits_{\mathcal C} f\,ds \approx \sum_{i= 1}^N f(x(t_i^*), y(t_i^*)) \sqrt{\frac{\Delta x_i^2}{\Delta t^2} + \frac{\Delta y_i^2}{\Delta t^2}}\, \Delta t \]
\[ \longrightarrow \int_a^b f(x(t), y(t)) \sqrt{x'(t)^2 + y'(t)^2}\,dt \]
\[ \int\limits_{\mathcal C} f\,ds = \int_a^b f(x(t), y(t)) \sqrt{x'(t)^2 + y'(t)^2}\,dt \]
\[ = \int_a^b f(\vec r(t)) |\vec r'(t)|\,dt \]

If $f$ is the height of a wall whose base runs along $\mathcal C$, then $\int_{\mathcal C} f\,ds$ would be the area of the wall.

N.B. Though $\int_C ds$ is always positive, $f$ could yield negative values, so $\int_C f\,ds$ can be negative.

w/ respect to a coordinate

\[ \int\limits_{\mathcal C} f\,dx \]
  • Where? oriented path in space $\mathcal C$
    • given by $\vec r(t) = \langle x(t), y(t),\ldots \rangle$, $a \leq t \leq b$
  • What? scalar field $f(x,y,\ldots)$
  • How? w.r.t. the change in the $x$-direction: $dx$.
\[ \int\limits_{\mathcal C} f\,dx \approx \sum_{i= 1}^N f(x_i^*, y_i^*) \Delta x_i \]
\[ \int\limits_{\mathcal C} f\,dx \approx \sum_{i= 1}^N f(x(t_i^*), y(t_i^*)) \frac{\Delta x_i}{\Delta t} \, \Delta t \]
\[ \longrightarrow \int_a^b f(x(t), y(t)) \,x'(t)\,dt \]
\[ \int\limits_{\mathcal C} f\,dx = \int_a^b f(x(t), y(t))\, x'(t)\,dt \]
\[ = \int_a^b f(\vec r(t)) \,x'(t) \,dt \]

These integrals are certainly more abstract. They are most often the building blocks of vector field integrals.

N.B. Orientation of path matters here. Reversing the direction negates the integral.


Let $C$ be the piece of the parabola $y=(x-1)^2$ from $(0,1)$ to $(3,4)$, and let $f(x,y) = x+y$.

Compare the line integrals: \[\int_C f\, dx, \int_C f\, dy, \text{ and } \int_C f\, ds \]


\[ \int_C f\,dx = \int_0^3 (t + (t - 1)^2)\,dt = 7.5\]

\[ \int_C f\,dy = \int_0^3 (t + (t - 1)^2) 2(t-1)\,dt = 16.5\]

\[ \int_C f\,ds = \int_0^3 (t + (t - 1)^2)\sqrt{1 + 4(t-1)^2}\,dt \approx 20.1 \]

Vector Fields


A vector field is simply a function \[ \vec F: \RR^n \to \RR^n. \]

We plot them by drawing arrows at regularly-spaces points in the domain. Here is:

\[\vec F(x,y) = \bv{\sin y \\ \cos x} \]
More Examples

One common use of vector fields is the velocity field of a fluid. We picture the flow by "following the vector field".

Line Integral of a Vector Field

\[ \int\limits_{\mathcal C} \vec F \cdot\,d\vec r \]
  • Where? oriented path in space $\mathcal C$
    • given by $\vec r(t) = \langle x(t), y(t),\ldots \rangle$, $a \leq t \leq b$
  • What? vector field $\vec F$
    • $\vec F(x,y,\ldots) = \langle P(x,y, \ldots), Q(x,y, \ldots), \ldots \rangle$
  • How? along the path: $d\vec r$
\[ \int\limits_{\mathcal C} \vec F\cdot d\vec r = \int_a^b \langle P(x(t), y(t)), Q(x(t), y(t)) \rangle \cdot \langle x'(t), y'(t) \rangle\,dt \]
\[ = \int_a^b \vec F(\vec r(t)) \cdot \vec r'(t)\,dt \]

$\int_C \vec F\cdot d\vec r$ measures how much a vector field $\vec F$ pushes along a path $C$.

Two paths with common endpoints plotted over a vector field.

$\int_C \vec F\cdot d\vec r$ measures how much a vector field $\vec F$ pushes along a path $C$.

  • If $\vec F$ is a force, and $C$ is the path of an object, the line integral is the work done by the force on the object.
  • Consider the question of whether a marathon run was "wind-assisted."

Work Integrals

Work = Force × Distance
Suppose a particle moves along a path $C$ parametrized by $\vec r(t)$ for $a \leq t \leq b$, and is subject to a force field $\vec F$ at each point of the curve, then the total work done by the force is
\[W =\int\limits_C \vec F\cdot d\vec r \]
\[W =\int\limits_C \vec F\cdot d\vec r = \int_a^b \vec F(\vec r(t))\cdot \vec r'(t)\,dt \]
Work = Force × Distance

Hooke's Law: force of a spring is proportional to displacement. $F = -k x$.

Compute the work done by spring moving an object from position $x_0$ to $x_1$.

$x(t) = x_0 + (x_1 - x_0)t$ for $0\leq t \leq 1$. \[ \int_0^1 -k( x_0 + (x_1 - x_0)t) (x_1 - x_0)\,dt = \frac12kx_0^2 - \frac12 k x_1^2 \]

Example - Rolling rolling rolling

A ball falls down a parabolic ramp $y=x^2$ from $(-2,4)$ to the origin. How much work was done by gravity?

$\vec r(t) = \left\langle t, t^2 \right\rangle$ for $-2\leq t \leq 0$. \[ \int_{-2}^{0} \left\langle 0, -mg \right\rangle \cdot \left\langle 1, 2 t \right\rangle= mg4 \]

Alternate Forms

In Components
\[ \vec F(x,y) = \langle P(x,y), Q(x,y) \rangle \text{ and } \vec r(t) = \langle x(t), y(t) \rangle, a \leq t \leq b\]
\[\int\limits_C \vec F\cdot d\vec r = \int_a^b \langle P(x(t),y(t)), Q(x(t),y(t)) \rangle\cdot \langle x'(t), y'(t)\rangle \,dt\]
\[ = \int_a^b P(x(t),y(t)) \, x'(t)\,dt + Q(x(t),y(t))\, y'(t) \,dt\]
\[ = \int\limits_C P\,dx + Q\,dy\]
Per Arc Length
\[\int\limits_C \vec F\cdot d\vec r = \int_a^b \vec F(\vec r(t))\cdot \vec r'(t) \,dt\]
\[= \int_a^b \vec F(\vec r(t))\cdot \frac{ \vec r'(t) }{|\vec r'(t)|} |\vec r'(t)| \,dt\]
\[ = \int\limits_C \vec F \cdot \vec T\,ds \]

Learning Outcomes

You should be able to...
  • Sketch a vector field plot, and match a plot with its formula from a list.
  • Convert path integrals of each kind to 1-dimensional integrals via parametrization:
    • w/ respect to arc length.
    • w/ respect to individual coordinates.
  • Identify which of these depend on orientation of the curve and how.
  • Estimate sign and/or magnitude of line integrals without direct computation.
  • Convert work problems into appropriate forms of line integrals.